Pool Bylaws Document
Pool Rules Document


The following rules and regulations were prepared and adopted by the Olney  Mill Swim Club’s (O.M.S.C.) Board of Directors (B.O.D.). They are designed to  assure the safe and sanitary operation of the pool facilities, and to promote  the enjoyable recreation of Club members and their guests. These rules and  regulations are under the immediate supervision of the pool manager and  will be enforced by persons designated by him/her. The pool manager can  suspend a member or guest for a period not to exceed 48 hours for  violations of these rules. Repeated violations of these rules are subject to  disciplinary action by the B.O.D. Final decisions on matters pertaining to  interpretation of these rules and regulations shall be made by the  B.O.D. Owner- Members and parents should advise their guests and/or  children of the need to observe and comply with these rules and regulations.  

  1. Pool Hours

(A) The pool schedule will be posted on the bulletin board at the pool and on  the Club Website www.omswimclub.com. The hours of operation for general  membership will be posted and may be modified at the discretion of the pool  manager and/or the B.O.D., for maintenance purposes, inclement weather,  special functions, etc. The pool operating season will normally be Memorial  Day weekend through Labor Day weekend, unless designated by the B.O.D.  

(B) During storms, the pool will be closed and the entire area cleared of  patrons at the discretion of the pool manager. Because cover is limited,  patrons are encouraged to go home. Others must remain within the shelter  of the bathhouse. The pool will normally open 30 minutes after the storm  has passed.  

(C) Any person using the pool facilities at a time other than that sanctioned  by the B.O.D. is subject to prosecution to the full extent of the law.  

  1. Membership Identification

(A) Each member shall be listed on a Members Account in Member Splash and have a picture loaded. Member Splash account shall be issued by the Membership Chairpersons. 

(B) Each member must check in with the front desk attendant upon entering the pool facilities.  Check in should be done by giving Last Name and First Name of all members attending as well as the names of any guests.

(C) Each Owner/Member is required to report promptly to the Membership  Chairperson, in writing, any changes to the family membership information,  i.e., additions to the family, phone number changes, address changes, name  changes, etc. This can be done via online form in Member Splash.

(D) Members age 9 and under may not use the pool facilities unless  accompanied by and under the direct supervision of a member age 13 or  over. Any exceptions must be approved in advance by the B.O.D.  

  1. Guest Fees and Restrictions

(A) Each full membership will be provided with two free guest passes, Senior  Memberships will receive one free guest pass, additional guest passes are  $5.00 per person daily. Children under 2 are free.  

(B) If there are occupancy restrictions the B.O.D. reserves the right to remove guest passes.

Note: Guest fees are subject to change without notice. 

(B) Guests may not use the pool facilities unless accompanied by a  member. Guests age 9 and under must be accompanied by a member age  13 or over. After a guest checks in upon entry, the guest’s  name, address, and phone number are to be recorded by the front desk staff  in the notes section of the electronic entry system.

(C) The number of guests during a single day is limited to 5 per family unit.

(D) Guests are subject to pool rules and regulations.  

(E) Guest policy limits members under the age of 16 years old to two  guests per day. 

  1. Other Admission Restrictions

(A) Any person with a skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes, cold, nasal or ear  discharge, communicable disease, or who is wearing any kind of bandage or  band aid will not be permitted in the pool. (Band aids received by pool staff  must be removed before reentering the pool.) Persons having any  considerable area of sub-skin tissues, open blisters, cuts, etc., are warned  that these are likely to become infected, and such persons may not use the  pool. Any adult or child who is experiencing even a mild case of diarrhea may  not use the pool.  

(B) Admission to the pool facilities shall be refused to any person in an  inebriated state or condition.  

(C) Prior to entering the pool complex, any patron having a special disability  that could affect their safety in the pool must inform the pool manager of  his/her physical condition.  

  1. Swimming Regulations

(A) All bathers must take a shower, using soap, before entering the pool (a  requirement of the County Board of Health). Showers should not last more  than 3 to 4 minutes. Showers must be turned off when finished showering.  Children may not take prolonged showers during the rest period/adult swim.  Sun bathers should shower before each entrance into the water in order to  rinse off perspiration, lotions, etc.  

(B) Use of the wading pools is restricted to children 6 and under. A member  or member’s guest age 13 or over must remain with children brought into  the wading pool area. The wading pool is not guarded by the pool safety  staff. Supervision of children is the responsibility of the parent or guardian  bringing them into the pool enclosure.  

(C) Children who are not toilet trained are not permitted into the wading pool  or the main pool without proper attire, i.e., tight-fitting rubber pants or  plastic pants and a form-fitting bathing suit.  

(D) Any members or guests in the deeper areas of the pool giving the  lifeguard reason to believe that they do not know how to swim may be asked  to remove themselves from that area of the pool so as not to be a risk to  themselves or others. 

(E) All persons age 15 and under will be required to leave the main pool for a  15-minute break at the 45-minute mark of each hour. This requirement may  be waived the pool manager. Children over 6 are not permitted in the wading  pool during the 15-minute “break”.  

(F) Unsanitary acts such as spitting, urinating, and blowing nose are  prohibited in the pool. 

(G) Floats, tubes, inflated devices, etc., are not permitted in the main pool;  exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the BOD. No metal toys or  objects are allowed in either pool. Only toys designed for aquatic use can be  utilized in the pool; except toys that shoot water are prohibited. Lifeguards  reserve the right to restrict the use of any toy for safety concerns.  

(H) Children may wear life jackets and/or a flotation device provided the child  is supervised by a parent or guardian. Snorkels, flippers, masks, etc. can be  used only at the discretion of the pool manager.  

(I) Inappropriate swim attire/street clothes are not permitted in either pool,  i.e., denim shorts and cutoffs.  

(J) Head first dives from the side of the pool into shallow water (under 5 feet)  are prohibited during general recreational swim periods. Exceptions may be  permitted in supervised, competitive, and instructional programs under  controlled conditions.  

(K) Periodically, lanes will be roped off for those persons wishing to swim  lengths undisturbed. Persons not swimming lengths should remain in other  pool areas. For effective use, swimmers should swim counter-clockwise near  the lane markers and pass to the left of slower swimmers.  

(L) Swimmers may be required to take a swimming test. This will consist of a  25 meter swim and treading water for one (1) minute.  

  1. Diving Well Regulations

(A) No patron is permitted to use the diving board or slide unless they can  swim easily and safely to the ladder. Children with questionable skill may not  use the diving board or slide unless they have passed a swim test. 

(B) If there is no one using the diving board or slide, the well may be closed  for the use of patrons who wish to swim in that area. This will be at the  discretion of the pool manager or the lifeguard on duty.  

(C) Only 1 person at a time is permitted on the diving board and slide,  including the ladder.  

(D) A person shall not dive or jump until the previous person has cleared the  well area.  

(E) Diving or jumping is not permitted from the sides of the boards. All dives  or jumps must be straight forward.  

(F) Only one (1) bounce on the board is permitted.  

(G) Dives or jumps which would project the person into the shallow portion  of the diving well are strictly prohibited.  

(H) Exits from the well must be made from the ladder closest to the board or  slide used.  

(I) Entry into the diving area shall be from the board or slide only, unless  authorized by the pool manager or the lifeguard on duty.  

(J) Retrieving objects from the diving well is not permitted unless authorized  by the pool manager or the lifeguard on duty.  

  1. Other Operational Rules

(A) Members and guests must drive carefully and slowly (no more than 10  miles per hour) on the driveways and parking areas of the Club. Vehicles  shall park in designated areas only. Bicycles shall be placed in the bicycle  racks, and if they are filled, in close proximity of the racks. Bicycles shall not,  under any circumstances, be placed or laid on the walkways of the pool  facilities.  

(B) No pets of any kind are permitted within the pool facilities. Pets running  loose within the pool facilities must be taken home, or the Animal Control  Section of Montgomery County will be contacted to have the animal  removed. 

(C) All persons using the pool facilities must conduct themselves in a  courteous and safe manner. Running, pushing, shoving, rough play and  profane or abusive language are strictly prohibited. Improper conduct  causing undue disturbances in or about the pool area or any acts which  would endanger any party are prohibited.  

(D) Loitering is not permitted in the vicinity of the front walk, lobby, office and  pool bathhouses. The filter room and storage room are prohibited to all  except for employees and B.O.D.  

(E) Socializing with or by the lifeguards on duty is strictly prohibited. 

(F) The speaker system shall be used only during special events (i.e. swim  meets, special membership meetings held at the pool) or emergencies, at the  discretion of the B.O.D.  

(G) Members or guests with radios or stereo systems must keep the volume  at a level which is not overbearing to others.  

(H) No glass containers of any type are permitted within the pool facility,  except for the professional maintenance of the pool or when specifically  authorized by the B.O.D.  

(I) Food and beverages are permitted. Trash/containers must be discarded in  the proper receptacles. No chewing gum is permitted in the pool.  

(J) Adults over the age of 21, who wish to consume a beverage on the  premises containing alcohol, may do so provided they consume it from an  opaque plastic cup or “water” bottle. Members who rent the pavilion for  parties are not authorized to serve beverages containing alcohol to their  party guests.  

(K) Smoking (tobacco or electronic) is not permitted anywhere in the  facilities, buildings, grounds or parking lots. 

(L) Chairs, playpens, lounges, etc. are not permitted on the main pool  deck. Wearing shoes is not permitted on the pool decks, except behind the  drains. Exceptions are permitted for special occasions such as parties, swim  meets, etc. 

(M) Sitting on tables or on the headrest portion of the lounges is  prohibited. Pool property shall be used for its intended purpose only.  

(N) Members and guests use the pool at their own risk. The Club shall not be  held responsible for any personal injury, loss, theft or damage of personal  property.  

(O) The Owner/Member of this club is legally responsible for damage to Club  property by any family member or their guest(s).  

Personal injuries and damage to the pool property must be reported  immediately to the pool manager who shall take the necessary action and  record the information in the Daily Log. Complaints, grievances, and rule  violations should first be brought to the attention of the pool manager. Any  matter not satisfactorily resolved by the manager may be brought to the  attention of the B.O.D. in writing and signed by the Owner-member.  

(P) In order to facilitate and maintain a strict accounting of monies accrued  by this Club, monetary transactions of any type shall be by members’ check,  or credit card, only. Each transaction made directly at the pool will require a  receipt, with the exception of the sale of ice cream or other food bought at  concessions. Checks shall be made payable to O.M.S.C., Inc.  

(Q) Personal grills and open fires are not permitted on pool property unless  authorized by the B.O.D.